How to Use Client Case Studies to Convert Leads

How to Use Client Case Studies to Convert Leads

As marketers, we are always looking for ways to convert our leads into paying customers. Did you know that you can use your client case studies to do just that? Whether you have a ton of client case studies, or just one or two, they are a great way to get your company in front of the right people at the right time. If you are looking to convert more leads, you’re in the right place. But, before you start converting your leads, you need to understand a few case study basics.

Before You Start…

Before we dive right into how to use your client case studies to convert leads, it’s important to have a plan. In order to drive the most leads, you will need to create high-quality case studies with your prospect’s needs and wants in mind.

Think of Your Sales Funnel

The first step in using your client case studies to convert leads is to review where your leads are in your sales funnel. In most cases, your prospects will be partially down your sales funnel when they are interested in your sales funnel. At this point, they might be looking at your competitor’s case studies, and deciding between a few options. Because of this, you’ll need to create your case studies to entice your prospects and optimize them for conversions. But, this all starts with building high quality client case studies.

How to Use Client Case Studies to Convert Leads

Understanding Pain Points

Oftentimes your prospects will have similar pain points. These are areas that they struggle with as a company and are either looking for a solution or an aid that helps them improve in these areas. That’s where your company comes in. Your company will help them manage their pain points, and show them how much easier their lives will be. So, it’s important to include your client’s pain points in your case studies, and how you have helped them. When prospects read this, they will relate to the difficulties mentioned in the case study. And, they will want to succeed like your current clients do. If your company solves multiple different problems, it can be helpful to have case studies that are based on each problem. Then your prospects can read the case study that they relate to the most.

Build High Quality Client Case Studies

Building case studies that are optimized for conversions is not easy. It can take a lot of time and effort to build case studies. Make creating client case studies easier with otrillo. Simply compile a list of questions that you want to ask your client, and send them a link to their personalized questionnaire. We’ll take it from there! Take advantage of our Professional Editing as a Service (PEaaS) technology and build both video and written case studies for your website, social media, and advertising campaigns. Your client case studies will be optimized for your prospect’s unique needs. Request early access to otrillo today and save time and money generating high quality case studies. Now that you know case study basics, let’s go over how you can use client case studies to convert leads.

Build Trust

Building trust with your prospects is difficult. Especially if you are in a competitive market where your prospects have a number of great options to choose from. With client case studies, you can show your prospective customers how you have helped companies just like theirs succeed. By including enticing stats, trends, graphics, and video content, it can help your leads envision what it would be like to work with your company. 


One of the best ways to generate leads is to increase your website traffic. Did you know that you can use your case studies to increase website traffic? With the right keyword research, correct use of metadata, and a high-quality case study, you can drive traffic to your website. If you’re not sure what keyword to target, try out a tool called Google Keyword Planner. By increasing your website traffic, you are then able to pair strong calls to action in an effort to convert leads. 

Calls to Action

On all of your client case study web pages, ensure that you have a relevant call to action. In most cases this will be to start a free trial, contact you, access gated content, or even links to other impressive client case studies. Where you place your call to action will depend on how long your web page is. For example, if you already have a call to action in your website’s footer, and your case study is short and to the point, you may not need to include a second call to action. On the other hand, if your case study is pretty lengthy with a ton of content, you can include a call to action half way down the page as well as the call to action that is in the footer.


Remarketing is one of the best ways that you can use your client case studies to convert leads. You can target your previous website visitors on social media channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, or you can use Google Ads for remarketing. Since your previous website visitors are familiar with your company, this is the perfect opportunity to share your case studies. On average, it takes about 8 points of contact between your company and your prospect. So, the more high-quality content that you can show them, the more likely they are to convert. Remarketing might seem difficult to set up, but once you get started, it is very easy and one of the best ways to target the right audience at the right time.

Email Sequences

The period between your lead starting a free trial and actually converting is crucial. Although these leads are close to becoming a paying customer, close does not guarantee anything. If you don’t provide them the right information, at the right time, they might not turn into a paying customer. So, having a strong and well thought out email onboarding sequence is an essential step. Include your highest quality client case studies in your email onboarding sequence to help your leads see other aspects of your company, and how you can help theirs. Include a short description of each case study, with a link to continue reading or watching the case study that is the most relevant to their own company.

Highlight Important Information

Let’s face it, a lot of your website visitors will skim your content for important information. If your case study is paragraphs and paragraphs of text that is not broken up into sections, your readers might miss out on important information. It is okay to have a lot of information, but it’s best to highlight the most enticing points, like impressive stats, images, or even a video. Below is an example of a case study by Mailchimp. After a portion of text, they have highlighted key points in green to make it stand out from the rest. This makes it easy for those website visitors that are skimming the page to catch this information.

Client Case Studies - Mailchimp

Use a Live Chat

The vast majority of case studies are on web pages. When your prospective customers are reading or watching your case studies, they may have questions about how you can help their specific company. Although you may have a call to action or contact form, some website visitors are hesitant to take the time to fill it out or provide their email address in fear of spam emails. Having the option of a live chat on your website can increase the chances of communicating with your prospect. If you have answered their question, you can then send a link to start their free trial, a more relevant case study based on their business, or other relevant information to keep them on your site.

Social Proof

Social proof refers to the idea that seeing other people’s success will help you see how you can be successful. This is most commonly seen when companies have positive reviews on sites like G2, Capterra, or even Google. Companies often don’t realize that their client case studies can also be a great way to remove hesitations or concerns that your prospects may have. Being able to reassure your prospective clients from other companies that are similar to theirs can help you convert prospects into paying customers.

Final Words

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that your client case studies can help convert your prospects into paying customers. From my experience, companies do not focus on their client case study initiatives. Most don’t think that they can be used to convert prospective customers into paying customers in this many ways. If you’re not sure where to start, it’s important to have optimized case studies based on your prospect’s pain points. Check out otrillo to help you build high quality case studies ready to convert your prospects into paying customers.